Monthly Archive: April 2008
Deep in an essay for Research Methods, but still finding stuff on Web 2.0. Here are some of the links: The Digital Native Project (very interesting, good table on front) Why Heather can Write Learning...
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Just the thing for a Monday morning before starting n assignment for Uni! My comments on each proposal in red. PRODUCTIVITY Parent and children centres Picks up the idea floated by the Prime Minister last...
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So we didn’t score an invitation to Canberra for the historic talkfest hosted by the redoubtable Kevinator! Alas, were it not for the power of the internet, the future would be denied our invaluable...
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Perhaps the only surprising this about this announcement was the faint air of surprise in the Sydney media. Archbishop Aspinal had obviously been preparing the way for some time and Perth is, at least...
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For the first time, I am watching an American program which demonstrates a degree of reflective awareness about the Second World War. The fact that is is by Ken Burns is hardly surprising: since...
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