Monthly Archive: October 2008

links for 2008-10-19 0

links for 2008-10-19

Distributed Leadership Study :: Distributed Leadership Studies Life is never as simple as it looks. The more you look into a concept, the more difficult it becomes. (tags: Distributed_Leadership School_Leadership Leadership Curriculum)

links for 2008-10-18 0

links for 2008-10-18

DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS: Tools and Technologies for Effective Classrooms This is worth sharing at work: a thorough guide to the possibilities. (tags: education web2.0 elearning LearningObjects)

CiteULike discovery and back to posting 0

CiteULike discovery and back to posting

It’s been an unbelievably long break between real posts (delicious doesn’t count), but the anticipated end of the university year and the easing down of work before Christmas offers some possibilities of real writing....