The value in bringing up boys (The Sydney Morning Herald, 27 Aug 2011, Page18)
Always liked Adele Horin’s writings and her thoughts as a mother of boys is timely. After all these years, I am more than ever challenged by the differences – and different needs – of boys and girls in the classroom; more than ever aware of the distinctive value but essential differences of relationships with men and women. Understanding gender is just part of valuing individual difference, and I don’t think we think about – or appreciate – such things enough.
The value in bringing up boys
The Sydney Morning Herald
27 Aug 2011
When I gave birth to my second son quite a few people felt sorry for me. At my age, I was unlikely to have a shot at a daughter, and visitors offered their condolences. Twenty years ago “feminism” was not a dirty word but in some quarters “man” still…read more…