Tuesday: three days in one
Tuesday 23 October 2018
All that really survived from the second half of our plans for this trip was the chance to catch up with some leading educators as part of Paula’s grant from her Principal’s Renewal. Today was the day we could start to make all that come together; but, being us, we made a proper day of it and ended up putting a wash on at 11:30 – because we needed our posh clothes on Wednesday.
The late morning found us in Surbiton on our way to Kingston, where the Surrey County Council is located. I’ve got a whole lot of notes – I figured that Paula was the main game and she could lead the conversations and I would be the rapporteur. We’d done quite a lot of homework, so we didn’t sound like compete bogans, but it became clear that it was the usual story: the scorecard tended to suggest that all systems are good in parts. We were surprised by the issues with unaccompanied migrants and the lack of a legislative framework around home schooling, but impressed by some of the schemes. We were able to share the VET successes but they have “education” lasting until 18, so that’s fascinating. And then there were all the funding issues that seem to be at the bottom of all conversations in educational leadership. Anyway, the complicated version is for later.
We toddled away back to the station and on to the next part of the adventure, which was Kensington HIgh Street, dinner at what turned out to be a very swanky Italian restaurant, and the wonders of the Royal Albert Hall and Harry Potter. The dinner was delicious and we had a very good value meal – with very expensive wine (the biggest item on the bill). Well, it was easy to forget it about it once we got to the Hall.
The film was what it always was – one of the best of a great series. The orchestra was excellent, but seeing it in such a venue! I’m rather glad we weren’t listening to Elgar or something, because the music and architecture would have been in competition.
Of course, kid watching made the show, listening to the talk behind as as little experts discussed the film and its characters in minute detail. J.K. Rowling should be deservedly proud!